Jun 3, 2016 | Helping The Elderly, In the News, What's in the News
There have been a number of recent news articles relating to the challenges currently being faced by families trying to get their elderly relatives discharged from hospital and into a social care setting. These were prompted by a recent report from the National Audit...
Mar 11, 2016 | Helping The Elderly, Planning holiday care
As we move into Spring, most people’s thoughts turn towards Summer and planning holidays. However, if you are caring for an elderly relative those plans become much more challenging and often don’t get made at all due to concerns over who will look after mum and dad...
Dec 29, 2015 | Care Home Search, Helping The Elderly, In the News
We were so busy in the run up to Christmas that we didn’t get the chance to publish our December newsletter wishing everybody a Merry Christmas, so we’re writing a slightly early Happy New Year one instead. December is always a busy time in the care industry, with...
Nov 4, 2015 | Care Home Search, Helping The Elderly
Care homes aren’t the only option for hospital discharges. Most people believe that once an elderly person is taken into hospital it is the start of a one way journey to a care home or nursing home and once there, they are never coming home again, but I want to...
Oct 4, 2015 | Helping The Elderly
The saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is often applied when the subject comes up of elderly people using computers, the internet and the fast developing world of smart phones and tablet computers, but a recent experience in our family...
Jul 7, 2015 | Helping The Elderly
Last week we saw temperatures of over 28 degrees Celsius. When the weather hots up, many of us rejoice at warmer days and sunshine – it means that the summer is well and truly here. However, this extreme heat can have an adverse effect on the elderly. If an...