Dec 22, 2016 | Company News, Helping The Elderly, Hospital discharges
The Christmas and New Year holidays are fast approaching and my team and I wanted to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Spare a thought for carers at Christmas Care doesn’t stop just because it is Christmas though. Residential care and nursing...
Dec 18, 2016 | Care Home Search, Helping The Elderly
Pressures on NHS hospital services The NHS has been under tremendous pressure with the delivery of services throughout 2016 and this is most visible within our major hospitals. Our local hospital, The Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth, has been full (often called...
Dec 16, 2016 | Care Home Search, Company News, Helping The Elderly
This month Clarity Care Consulting are celebrating our 7th birthday and I am taking the time to look back on the journey I have taken over those years and looking forward to the work that my team and I will be doing in 2017 and beyond. When I took the decision to form...
Oct 30, 2016 | Helping The Elderly, In the News
Autumn and winter top tips for elderly and vulnerable people Autumn has arrived and although the trees are all looking beautiful as the leaves change colour, it can be a cause of concern for the elderly and vulnerable, so here are some tips for things to do to make it...
Sep 25, 2016 | Care Home Search, Helping The Elderly
Each industry and service has its own phrases and terms, and it’s amazing how easy it is when you work within an industry to assume that everybody knows what you mean when you say something. The care industry is no different and this was highlighted to me...
Sep 12, 2016 | Helping The Elderly
At the start of this year I set myself a goal to expand the team at Clarity allowing us to support more families with finding care for their loved ones. I’m pleased and excited to say that I achieved the business growth targets I’d set earlier in the Summer and this...