Aug 14, 2015 | What's in the News
Yet again the NHS hits the headlines and the issue with people having to remain in hospital due to lack of services available to allow them to go home. This BBC article highlights the need for the type of services Clarity can provide whether looking for care homes or...
Jul 7, 2015 | Helping The Elderly
Last week we saw temperatures of over 28 degrees Celsius. When the weather hots up, many of us rejoice at warmer days and sunshine – it means that the summer is well and truly here. However, this extreme heat can have an adverse effect on the elderly. If an...
Jul 1, 2015 | News & Stuff
Getting the care and help they need, when and where they need it Have you thought about your relatives getting older? How will you cope, who will help them? What will you need to do? Sometimes we do not want to think about it until it happens. As our nearest and...
Jun 25, 2015 | Planning holiday care
Caring for an elderly relative is a massive commitment, whether you provide full time care or pop in every day to check that they are okay. Time marches on… If you regularly look after an elderly relative who is house bound then you will probably notice how quickly...
Jun 22, 2015 | News & Stuff
Age UK Report Age UK recently released a report stating that many patients are trapped in their hospital beds because they have nowhere to go to and are unable to access adequate care at home, due to a shortage of care services. Elderly people are...
Jun 15, 2015 | News & Stuff
This year Clarity Care Consulting has chosen to enter the Portsmouth News Best of Health Awards which will be held in October this year. We decided to do this to raise the profile of the health and care sector and promote the positive aspects of care. We also hope to...
Jun 8, 2015 | News & Stuff
If you live a long distance away from an elderly relative then it is likely that they are never far from your thoughts. The Care Monitoring Service provided by Clarity Care Consulting can help you to help them. Questions, questions, questions Are they warm enough? Are...
Feb 20, 2015 | Care Home Search
Our recent case requiring our personalised Care Home search service left us asking the question is there a shortage of expertise to support people living with Dementia who have higher needs? Being told there is a shortage of beds is bad enough and something we are...
Jan 19, 2015 | Planning holiday care
It’s January, the TV and Sunday supplements are full of holiday adverts enticing people to start planning their holidays. However, for those families acting as carers for an elderly relative, a holiday feels like the impossible dream. The last experience of a holiday...
Nov 26, 2014 | Press Releases
The Royal Bournemouth Hospital is to give so-called “bed blockers” seven days to leave or face possible legal action, saying too many families are refusing to take elderly relatives home when they are fit to go. While we can’t comment on the individual...