Home For Christmas

A case study of how we go “The Extra Mile” to meet the care at home needs of a terminally ill client at Christmas

“We cannot begin to thank you for all the help and patience in dealing with our many worries, especially Mr B’s stay in hospital together with all the arrangement for his welfare on the return home.

With our grateful thanks, we shall be pleased to recommend you.”

Mr & Mrs B, Waterlooville, Hampshire

The Situation

Ms. L’s family first contacted us in December when she had recently been discharged from hospital.   Ms. L who was 96, had never married and had until recently been living independently in England with her remaining family living in Edinburgh.  On her discharge from hospital she began receiving home care  organised through social services.

Despite the best efforts of the home care company the care she received wasn’t meeting her needs and we agreed that we would monitor the care until her scheduled care review, while supporting her family to look at different options including residential care.   Unfortunately, after a couple of weeks at home Ms. L was readmitted to hospital where she was found to have terminal pancreatic cancer.  At this point both she and her family wanted her to move to a nursing home in Scotland where she could be near them and well cared for at the end of her life.  Although the family had found a home in Scotland, they and the hospital needed our help to get Ms. L to Scotland in time for Christmas.

How We Helped

Our team of Independent Care Advisors worked closely with the hospital, meeting with them to discuss Ms. L’s ongoing care needs and how best to get her to Scotland.  We arranged for her care plan to be faxed to the care home and organised a carer to accompany Ms. L on her journey.  We then met with the airline to arrange flights and agree support for Ms. L, both at departure and on arrival.  An ambulance was also arranged to meet Ms. L at the airport in Edinburgh to take her to the care home. 

The Outcome

After a great deal of effort from everyone involved, Ms. L left hospital on the 23rd December and, to the relief of her family, arrived safely at her nursing home that evening.   She enjoyed the Christmas holidays with her family and is now happy and settled in Scotland.


If you are in a crisis, or need to find care for a loved one, or just want to know more about Clarity Care Consulting, please contact us.

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Clarity CareConsulting


Suite 16/17
Brambles Business Centre
Hussar Court


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M-F: 9am - 5pm (except Bank Holidays)

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