Autumn and winter top tips for elderly and vulnerable people

Autumn has arrived and although the trees are all looking beautiful as the leaves change colour, it can be a cause of concern for the elderly and vulnerable, so here are some tips for things to do to make it as safe as possible:

  • Ensure all pathways, steps, drains, guttering are cleared of leaves. In wet weather leaves become hazardous and can cause slips and falls.
  • Check outside taps and pipes regularly. Unfortunately there aren’t any warning signs prior to them bursting. Have contact details for local plumbers available too.
  • Have boilers serviced before the colder weather sets in, as it’s time to start putting the heating on.
  • Have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors fitted and tested if already in place.
  • Encourage elderly people to ask for help with tasks like shopping and clearing paths.

Lions Club Message in a bottle scheme

Lions Club Message In A Bottle

In addition to the tips listed above, we cannot stress enough how important the Lions Club Message in a bottle is and the vital role it can play to your loved ones health.  It is a free scheme and are available in GP surgeries and pharmacies. Our Clarity team have assisted our clients in filling out the forms inside which hold vital medical information and next of kin details for the emergency services and can save time and enables them to give your relative the correct medical treatment.