Getting The Best Out of Home Care

Working with a Home Care Agency to get the best care for our client

Lynn and her team offer invaluable advice concerning care options for clients. I have called on Lynn’s services to advise attorneys under a lasting power on the residential and domiciliary care options available to clients. I would not hesitate to recommend Lynn and her team”

Melanie W, Senior Chartered Legal Executive

The Situation

Clarity Care Consulting were asked to undertake an initial care assessment for P by her solicitor.

When we first met her, she was cared for in bed, didn’t access any other areas of her home, had an unkempt appearance with matted hair and appeared to be quite distressed about her situation.

The bed was positioned facing into the room, which was a great shame as there is an amazing view of the Thames from the window, which P couldn’t see.

Care was being provided by a team of carers who had been providing a service for several months.

Our Care Assessment Process & How It Helped

After gathering as much information as possible about P and her situation we visited her at home, spending time with her, ensuring she was aware of why we were visiting, putting her at ease about our presence. We spent time with her ensuring we had gained the best understanding we could of her situation, needs and wishes.

As part of our care assessment, we made several recommendations that we believed would make a significant positive difference to P. Some of these involved changes to how care was organised and delivered.

Initially the care team were very reluctant to implement any of the changes we had suggested, but we spent time with them, explaining why we were making these suggestions and how they would benefit P’s long-term health.

Amongst the recommendations we made were:

  • Update care plans with more person centred detail.
  • Implement a professional contact log with reasons for contact and outcomes
  • Implement food and fluid charts to record details of nutrition
  • Record details of key contacts and ensure that they were both easy to use and accessible.
  • Regular hairdresser visits
  • Regular podiatrist visits
  • Changes to how care was delivered, with 2 x live in carers, two weeks on and 2 weeks break and the introduction of 6 support carers
  • Highlighted the importance of social stimulation for P, using various aids and tools, such as installing an Alexa.
  • Suggested that P could use a wheelchair to help her access other areas of her home and to go outside.

We worked closely with the manager of the care agency to help the established care team to implement our recommendations. We were asked by the Deputy to remain involved to oversee the recommendations made.  We remained in contact with the manager of the care agency and continued to visit every 3-months to review progress and to support the care agency in implementing our recommendations.

The Outcomes

Benefits For P

There have been significant improvements to P since our first visit in February 2024.

P is now very settled and content in her home, she now has access to all areas of her home, using the wheelchair, with the support of the small pool of proactive carers.

The Carers have started to use Alexa to help with social stimulation. They have also tapped into Spanish language using a dictionary.

P now spends time looking out onto the Thames as opposed to looking at the bedroom walls, so has improved visual stimulation at home.

The Agency have been brilliant at working with us and receptive to feedback and became fully engaged to implement the changes in the best interest of our client.

Benefits for the Care Agency

Improved processes that are now being implemented with other clients.

Learning for carers as they see the physical benefits to their client but also recognise it makes their own working day more interesting as they are now actively seeking out things to do throughout the day.

Benefits for Solicitor/ Deputy

Knowing their client is safe, is being appropriately cared for and has everything she needs to have the best quality of life ensures they are fulfilling their role as Deputy.

Working alongside us and supporting the recommendations to be made they have observed that  P is much happier in her own environment as she continues to enjoy living in her own home

The Deputy has received written reports following each visit to update on progress which highlights any changes or recommendations that require actions by the Deputy.


If you are in a crisis, or need to find care for a loved one, or just want to know more about Clarity Care Consulting, please contact us.

Contact Us

Clarity CareConsulting


Suite 16/17
Brambles Business Centre
Hussar Court


Opening Hours

M-F: 9am - 5pm (except Bank Holidays)

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