Visitors to the Clarity Care Consulting offices regularly ask why we have a suitcase sitting in the corner of our office, often joking if one of the team has just moved out of their home. In many ways they are not as far off the truth as they realise.
We are often asked to help find care for an elderly person who has suffered a fall and been taken to hospital but who does not have family or friends living locally. We will spend time with them whilst they are in hospital, getting to know them and understanding what their likely care needs are once they are able to leave hospital and during this time we are usually asked by the elderly person to bring things in for them from their home or care home.
Helping our elderly clients home from hospital
When it comes time for our clients to leave hospital, we take our case with us so that we can pack up their things for them and help transport them either to their home or their new care home in a dignified manner. Without our case, it is likely that they would have to use carrier bags to transport their clothes and possessions, assuming that hospital staff can find some to hand, otherwise it may be bin bags or even just having their possessions placed in a pile with them.
Helping our clients move into a care home
If the elderly person is having to move into a residential care home or nursing home then we will also use our suitcase to bring their possessions from their old home to their new home, looking after them properly and then spending time with them arranging things in their new room to make it as homely as possible in a difficult and trying time.
This may seem like a strange thing to be proud of, but we have found that small, thoughtful things like this can make a world of difference to the elderly people we are helping as well as to their families and friends.
If you need any help or advice with finding care services for an elderly relative or friend please call the Clarity Care Consulting offices on 02392 251351 and one of the team will be happy to help you.